Bicyle Shop in Tabriz

There are a few bicycle stores in Tabriz. But there is one that got some reputation in the cycling community. I guess not because of the ‘free service for tourists’, but because they do their work with passion, have a lot of spare parts and are very friendly.

So if your bike needs something and you are in Tabriz, that is the place to go:

Saeed Mohammadi Bike
Nader sq
Tel 280 77 76

A few years ago, someone stopped Steven on the street while he was cycling into Tabriz: “Hello Mister, you have a problem with your bike”. He brought him to his cousin Saeed and because they did not have the spare parts he needed, they drove him to all bike shops in town. Great service, isn’t it?!

Funny sidestory: Steven gave me some pictures (that I carried with me all through Turkey) to bring them to Saeed. They came along with a visit card with the address. When I asked at the hotel reception where this address his, the man said: “In Esfahan”. I obviously had the wrong visitcard in my hands. However, Chris also had an address of a good bike shop, so we went there to look for spare parts. When I sat at the table, waiting for my bicycle to be ready again, I compared the table on the pictures in my hand with the table in front of me and started wondering…
The table on the picture and the one in front of me where the same! I was in the right place and could deliver the pictures!

However, a word of warning has to be said: While the service of Saeed is good, it is not perfect. I had to readjust my gearshift after the visit and if they want to exchange all your spikes, you better say no…

Saeed has a guestbook and it was fascinating to have a look at all the travellers that passed through this place.
Here is a list of the homepages I could find in the guestbook, the oldest entries were about 15 years old:


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